Please, participate in our survey to analyse sociological and technical trust (details).
Please, participate in our survey to analyse sociological and technical trust (details).
Matthias Wählisch presented first measurement results of our mobile/smartphone honeypot at the BMBF status meeting in October 2011
Sebastian Trapp will present our paper “Can Your Phone Trust Your Friend Selection?” at the ACM CCS Workshop on Security and Privacy in Smartphones and Mobile Devices
At this year’s TERENA Networking Conference Benjamin Jochheim has won the prize for best student poster, awarded by Cisco, the sponsor of student participation this year. His poster is at:
We will present two papers at the 11th International Conference on Innovative Internet Community Systems (I2CS): “Code Attestation with Compressed Instruction Code” by Benjamin Vetter and Dirk Westhoff; “An MTM based Watchdog for Malware Famishment in Smartphones” by Osman Ugus…
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